Those who claims submitted the so called petition letter to Somaliland president does not distinguish between petition and lawbreakers


Petition is requestto do something, most commonly addressed to a government to reconsider a decision taken in the past that is considered be based on injustice, which is not in the case of owner of Haatuf News network   Petition does not involveany legal definition or title of a legal pleading that initiates a legal case. Petitions were a common form of protest and request to the British house of common in the 18th and 19th centuries. The most common petitions known to many is the one sought to free Nelson during his imprisonment by the former apartheid government of south.

The petitions had no legal effect, but the signatures of millions of people on the petitions represented a moral force that may have helped free Mandela and end apartheid. None-government organization such amnesty often use petitions in an attempt to exertmoral in support of various causes. Other nongovernmental subjects of petition drives include corporate personnel decisions.However, the so called petition that some personalities claims submitted to the president is like a request to support injustice. Those personalities seek to lift the ban for a newspaper committed insults against most respected personalities in our country. Those individual does not differentiate between victims or the innocents and lawbreakers that they support at present or culprit. A culprit is the one who sources the cause of the problems. in conclusion, the chief editor of Haatuf news network, Gaboobe is one the sources of problems in Somali-land and the continuity for the ban of newspaper services the interest of Somali-land.

Ismail Yusuf


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