Berbera UAE Base and the Patriot Act


Somaliland people know a lot about the struggle for freedom and independence. We have struggled against the British colonial system and it took our ancestors many long years of hard campaigning to gain our independence. We have also struggled and fought against the unjust Siad Barre’s regime and won our freedom back after a bitter war in which we lost countless lives and our country was destroyed.

The UAE has plans to control portal cities of Somaliland, Puntland and greater Somalia. They have already made deals with Puntland to manage Bossaso Port and pay the wages of two units of Puntland’s special forces. According to Reuters[1] FSG (Frontier Services Group) formerly Blackwater has signed a deal with South West State region of Somalia. South West State of Somalia with the aid of the UAE has plans to build a seaport and an airport. Moreover, the UAE has already signed an unseen contract to run Berbera Port for 40 years and the next move for the Emirates is to bring their troops to secure their investment when the Somaliland people realize that they have been robbed in plain sight.

It is not a secret that the UAE has invested heavily in building an elite military force comprised of mercenaries from all over the world with the help of Erik Prince’s FSG. These UAE[2] troops (mercenaries) have already been deployed in conflicts like Libya in which they assisted the overthrow of Gaddafi.

Somaliland boasts about its relative peace, stability, elections and functioning government compared to Somalia which has been struggling to maintain peace among its people. Our country has seen the damage of war and we have already paid a high price for our independence, security and freedom.

Today Somaliland faces many economic, financial and security challenges, however, inviting foreign mercenary troops to our country would only make matters worse. Somaliland has successfully established itself as a beacon of stability and peace in a region torn by conflict and war. Our country does not need to involve itself with the Yemen war. We have no reason to take sides and it is not in our strategic interest to meddle in an Arab war which does not concern us at all. But some how…

Opportunity knocks the door once!

This is an exorbitant opportunity for Somaliland. If we sign and ratify the contract with UAE, we must bear in mind that UAE in is dire need of this base which will become the second in the Horn of Africa. UAE sacrifices everything in exchange for this military base.  We, the People of Somaliland, have been seeking international recognition for more than two decades.

So, in the political context, recognition depends on common interest between nations. UAE has seen its interest from Somaliland territory and most importantly the most important area.

The only way that Somaliland citizens can approve this military base deal: is getting international recognition from UAE immediately.

Last but not the least; Somaliland has to face this task very swiftly. If not done soon, the Emirate will embark on their base and there is no way of discussing about the military base any longer.

United we stand, divided we fall, let’s save Somaliland – it’s in our hands today.

To any Patriot Somalilander, who endorses the deal of Patriot Act over the military base in Berbera in exchange of UAE recognition must send petition to the incumbent President of Somaliland, H.E. Muse Behi Abdi.






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