HUBAAL Ka DAALACO: Nuxurka Kulan Ay 10kii February Ee 2014ka Lagaga Arrinsaday Qabsoomida Doorashooyinka Sugaya Qarankan


   Subject: Meeting of All National Election Stakeholders at the Ministry of Interior – 9th February, 2014

HUBAAL Ka DAALACO: Nuxurka Kulan Ay  10kii  February Ee 2014ka Lagaga Arrinsaday Qabsoomida Doorashooyinka Sugaya Qarankan Oo Laba Cisho U Socday Komishanka Doorashooyinka, Madaxda Axsaabta iyo Wasaaradda Arrimaha Gudaha Somalialnd




The national Stakeholders for the Voter Registration process met at the Ministry of Interior on 9th of February 2014. The meeting, chaired by the Minister Mr. Ali Mohamed Waran-adde, was attended by representatives of the National Electoral Commission and the three National Political Parties. The parties took stock of the status of implementation of the two-track approach for the establishing a national voter and civil registries and consensus built around this process to sign together a letter of agreement shared with the Democratization Steering Committee. This consensus process culminated into the Commitment Letter of HE President Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud ‘Silanyo’ dated 17 Nov 2013. Furthermore, the parties in this meeting reiterated their commitment to avoid any action which can delay holding the 2015 elections on time.

The parties recognized that of recent differences appeared on the implementation of certain aspects of the two-track process and tried to clarify them and to find solutions as follows:

1. The Ministry of Interior embarked on a drive to provide national ID to all citizens of Somaliland. This ID will then be used to identify the citizens of Somaliland to establish the national voter registry to be finished within six months so that ID Cards will be granted to Somaliland Citizens before September 2014. The Ministry will include fingerprinting in the process of building an ID data base.

2. The National Electoral Commission and the three National Political Parties shared with the Ministry of Interior their choice of the Biometric – option #3 from the “Somaliland Voter Registration Option Analysis” presented on 4th February 2014 at the NEC Meeting Hall, attended by representatives of the three National Political Parties, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Parliament, the civil society, the NEC as well as the visiting Mission from the Democratization Steering Committee.

The meeting was chaired and hosted by the Minister of Interior. Therefore, in order to consider the smooth running of the electoral process and to make sure that elections will be held on 2015, the following agreements points were reached:

1. To uphold their previously signed agreements on the two-track systems which were shared with the Democratization Steering Committee.

2.  The Ministry of Interior while representing the Government will continue with its implementation of civil registry process including its drive to provide a national ID to Somaliland citizens.

3. The Ministry shall fulfill its mandate on the Voter Registry (the biometric option) and will provide their representatives to the registration centers when of the process started.

4. All parties of the meeting agreed to continue with the practice of consensus building to face the challenges of realizing their commitment to hold the 2015 election on time and to cooperate with their international counterpart, the Democratization Steering Committee.

  Minister of Interior                                                                    Chairman of NEC

Ali Mohamed Waran-adde                                                  Eng. Essa Yusuf Mohamed 

Chairman of KULMIYE party           Chairman of UCID party                                    Chairman of WADANI Party

Muse Bihi Abdi                                        Faisal Ali Hussein                       Abdirahman Mohamed Abdilahi (Cirro)

Nuxurka Kulan Ay  10kii  February Ee 2014ka Lagaga Arrinsaday Qabsoomida Doorashooyinka Sugaya Qarankan Oo Laba Cisho U Socday Komishanka Doorashooyinka


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