The Bedwetting Policy Of Mr.Sillanyo  Regime!!! Written by Yussuf-Deyr


“…Mr.Silanyo, you are unwanted chapter in our history. Your side of the road is always dusty. Mr.Silanyo, let me ask you, Is there a rainbow in your cloud? I doubt much”.

“Mr.Silanyo, hell with your money – laundering. Give it to your opportunist, ignorant, and cow – boy actor, Mr.Ali Waran Cade who can’t distinguish between the hat of the cow – boy – girl, and the hat of that stinking cow – boy of taxes, who showers once in a blue – moon. Your minister of interior who believes that all that glitters is gold. That ignorant minister of the KGB origin of the late vampire, and now feeds lions with fresh meat while his neighbour is fasting for days and months.”

Click Here To Read Full Article and Detailed Information Of Yousuf Deyr



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